LAST UPDATED: 19 hours ago
- Freehold Corner Terence
- Original Condition; perfect for those who prefer to Rebuilt or A&A
- 2 Storey with possibility to built up
- North East Facing
- Estimate 7-10 mins walk to Tai Seng MRT
- Conveniently located to amenities such as park, eateries, supermarket, buses and transport
Within 1km distance to:
Trains (MRT / LRT)
Tai Seng (Circle Line) 0.56 km
Bartley (Circle Line) 0.68 km
Bus Stops
Upper Paya Lebar Rd (Bus: 158,22,24,28,43,58,58,62,70,70M,76,80,93) 0.09 km
Upper Paya Lebar Rd (Bus: 158,22,24,28,43,58,58,62,70,70M,76,80,93) 0.14 km
Groceries & Supermarts
Sarathi Store 0.26 km
Bowl & Bow 0.40 km
Fairprice 0.49 km
Primary School
Maris Stella High School 0.87 km
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Primary) 1.16 km
Cedar Primary School 1.16km
Canossa Catholic Primary School 1.44km
St. Margaret's Primary School 1.68km
International School
DPS International School
Stamford American International School
There are many reasons why this place is good!
A unit you shouldn't miss!
Grab before its gone !!!!!
Call Teddy now at 93661821 for viewing appointment
Landed House
S$ 1,770 psf
February 04,2025
Partially Furnished
2,768 sqft
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Assess home loan interest rates from various banks to make an informed decision when buying building-under-construction (BUC) property. Using $1.5m as the loan package.
@ 3.19% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.24% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.24% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.24% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.24% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.27% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.27% Sora, 1st year
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